
I'm using this space to think about how nonprofits need to reinvent themselves going forward. Why? Because it's too hard to do all the good work that they are doing now within the current "paradigm" of how a nonprofit is defined, how it is "supposed" to be done.

If you care about the fate of nonprofits - if you donate, if you are a member, if you work for one, or if you need their services - I hope that you'll let me know what you think. Share some of your own ideas, too.

Some of what you read may be quite different. But I think that it's time we all thought a little differently.

Thanks so much for stopping by!


Friday, April 1, 2011

There is no excuse

I don’t believe there’s an excuse for not using technology to its greatest advantage when your goal as an organization is to (a) fulfill your mission, and (b) raise funds.  There has to be a way that technology can help you do one or the other or both.

An article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Nonprofits Lag on Tech Use, shares some  Zoomerang survey results generated “from over 500 staff members and volunteers at nonprofits.”   

·        40% indicate their nonprofits do not have a website 

·        68% stated they do not use social media to help market or run their organization

·        5% indicated they collect payments using mobile technology

·        27% stated they use websites to collect payments

With national unemployment figures still near 9%, so volunteers are abundant, it seems to me that free I/T help is available if you look hard enough for it.  What excuse is there for not having a website?  Or a Facebook page? 

Yes, it may be hard to set up mobile technology for payments – but 5%?  How many national nonprofits are missing the boat now because of the new, younger donors who are willing to donate small amounts quickly?  Or even early adaptor, older donors who like the convenience of mobile donations? 

Maybe I’m out of line here – what do you think?  Is there any excuse at all not to leverage technology to its fullest to help achieve your goals?

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